Friday, August 29, 2008

The JSU/GT trip.

Yesterday was a fun and crazy day. Despite a few minor setbacks the trip went very well. I had forgotten how much I love and hate bus trips. Alot of the time, the bus ride is the funnest part of the trip. Jordan and I rode on the mellophone/sax bus. The trip was fairly uneventful until our bus driver forgot how to use his Garman satellite navigation GPS system (and apparently he forgot how to follow the 7 OTHER buses). We took a 45 min tour of Atlanta. Our little detour made us late getting to our parking area where there was ONE catering truck from the varsity. (The varsity had AMAZING food. But the ONE truck had ONE window with ONE person taking SINGLE orders.) So when the Southerners arrived, all 400 of us (staff and students) had to wait A LOONG time to get food. So after we got food we RAN back to the buses got changed and RAN to the stadium. Most of us did not get to warm up. GT had a very good crowd. It was the biggest crowd I had ever been part of. GT ticket office reported that there were over 45,000 people in attendance. It was Amazing. The half time show went good until the last page of drill. we were supposed to mesh forms. We smushed forms. But nobody really noticed. On the great gate section of music, the entire home side of the stadium was on their feet. It was great.

This game reminded me of how much I love marching. This year is the best year to go out on. I get to march with my brother, and I get to march a great show. Great memories have been made.

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