Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Very Good Sunday.

Today was a good day. Me and Jordan got up and went to church. (Amy was at home is Muscle Shoals visiting and wedding dress shopping with her friends over the weekend). After church we ate at Western Sizzling Buffet. We both ate ALOT more than we should have, but I was having steak withdrawls and I could not pass up all you can eat, flame kissed, medium rare, STEAK. It was Fantastic. After gorging ourselves we went home and passed out while watching TV. I played on Face book for a while, then dozed again. It was a good relaxing, Sunday afternoon. After I woke up from a mini nap, I wrote a letter to Talladega City school system about a teachers aid position they have open. I'm praying to hear something good back from that tomorrow. After I sent the letter, Jordan and I went back to church and had a good time at the youth devo. We got home and crashed. Amy got back from her shopping weekend with her girlfriends safely. I was able to catch up with one of my cousins over facebook chat. It was good to hear from her. Right now it is raining outside. It's the leftovers from tropical storm Fay. If only every day could be as nice as this one!

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