Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Quit.

Well, today was a day that I would rather not repeat. Atleast the morning anyway. I was scheduled to be at work at 5:00AM. At 1:00AM I was (to put it politely) occupied by intense bodily functions, till nearly 3:30AM. I decided to call in. I figured the sickness was caused by stress because I felt amazingly better after I told Mcd's that I was not coming in today. I don't think I have hated a job quite so much. I enjoyed Toys R Us more than this. (And that is saying something.)

Anyway. Amy and I have decided that since I won't be working for the next two and a half weeks due to band camp, that I should just quit McD's and find a new job after camp. Another deciding factor is that I will only be getting 15-20hrs a week. (not the 40hrs I need). I was going through a small patch of depression over this job. I know I need a paycheck, but $175 every two weeks ain't worth my time or even gas to get to work. I plan on calling tomorrow and telling them that I won't ever be coming back. I don't want/need to be stressing out over a minimum wage, part time, meaningless job.

On the bright side, I went up to Dicks Sporting Goods, and they seem to be hiring. I have an application in and I will be calling the manager tomorrow to try to get an interview. I'm hoping that all my merchandising experience will help me get in the door. (because I'm not what I would consider "athletic". Not yet anyway!)

I know that God will take care of us. He always has, and I have faith he always will. Grandma has always told me, "This too shall pass." She is usually right about that kind of thing.

On a completely different subject, Rookie camp starts tomorrow for Jordan. We're both excited for this to start. The show is going to be amazing this year. It will be a good one to end on! I'm probably even more excited about football season starting! JSU got an AMAZING transfer at QB in Ryan P. We even have several SEC and Div 1-A transfers that will help ALOT. Playoffs look like a possibility this year! Our first game will be in Atlanta vs. Georgia Tech.

Even more randomness... Amy and I are planning on moving to Florida in the next two years or so. Amy found a real good graduate school program at Florida State that she wants to go too. I'm all for it. I have family in Tallahassee and Amy has family alittle further south. We have both loved the beach and Florida is a good place for cycling (its fairly flat!). I'm still undecided on what I want to do as a career. But I'm fairly certain I can do anything I want to in Florida just as well as I can in Alabama. I am looking forward to getting into a legitimate career. I'm TIRED of these piddly retail jobs.

I'll close tonight's blog/rant with a quote from my uncle.

"Pray like everything depends on God, and work like everything depends on you."

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