Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Day, Another Dollar.

Another uneventful day. I went in for my first day of work today. All I have to say is... it's McDonald's, what do you expect? The kitchen was super clean and the people were nice but VERY quite. There was no training to speak of (unless you consider watching someone who did not speak english, training.) I don't like the fact that I can't have water in the kitchen either. I sweat alot and I when I work I like to have access to water all the time. But other than those few things, things went well. They have already talked to me about manager training after this school semester.

I am ready to get started in school again. I don't know what I want to "major" in but I do know that I am going to be taking some musical instrument repair classes online next semester. The mellophone that I redid is looking good. Just a coat or two more of the silver stuff and it will look schwanke. (that means good). I'll post some before and after pics later.

I'm still waiting to ride until I can get a helmet. That will prolly be after my first paycheck. Until then I'll just put a good spit shine on the bike and wait until I can ride.

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