Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Day, Another Dollar.

Another uneventful day. I went in for my first day of work today. All I have to say is... it's McDonald's, what do you expect? The kitchen was super clean and the people were nice but VERY quite. There was no training to speak of (unless you consider watching someone who did not speak english, training.) I don't like the fact that I can't have water in the kitchen either. I sweat alot and I when I work I like to have access to water all the time. But other than those few things, things went well. They have already talked to me about manager training after this school semester.

I am ready to get started in school again. I don't know what I want to "major" in but I do know that I am going to be taking some musical instrument repair classes online next semester. The mellophone that I redid is looking good. Just a coat or two more of the silver stuff and it will look schwanke. (that means good). I'll post some before and after pics later.

I'm still waiting to ride until I can get a helmet. That will prolly be after my first paycheck. Until then I'll just put a good spit shine on the bike and wait until I can ride.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Well, today was another uneventful day. I went to orientation for my new job, and me & Amy went to church. I piddled around on my mellophone polishing it up and getting it ready for marching season.

The majority of my day was sitting wondering about what I want to do as a career. I KNOW that I don't want to work at McDonald's all my life. And the crazy thing about it is, is that I just can't go down to JSU to get a degree in the Fields that I'm interested in. My #1 choice is musical instrument repair. Oh well. I'll figure it out.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Not much happening, but its a start.

Well, I haven't been able to take a ride here in Anniston yet. (I have to get a better helmet.) But I have been working on the bikes a little bit. I have sanded down the fenders I'm putting on my commuter and plan on painting/installing them tomorrow. Things are looking good.

On a more personal note, today has been a great day. It was Amy's B-day and we had a great day. We went to the movies, had a great fish dinner and just hung out all day. Amy also got a call today, from someone offering a job! She is now a child care teacher once again!


This s me by my Bianchi.

I also posted a tread over at

3:00am ponderings.

My wife, Amy, set this blog-thing up for me yesterday. And seeing as I can't sleep I figured I would enter a "blog" or some such thing. So here it goes my first step into the blogging arena.

I plan on using this page to help me keep up with my cycling rides. I think this will add another fun spin on a sport that I have gotten extremely addicted to. I am getting back into cycling mainly for my health. I also think it is a cool "alternate energy source" and it is a lot cheaper to fill up than my car! The pros DEFINITELY outweigh the cons. It will be neat to look back a year or more from now and see how I was progressing in the sport (miles rode, speed, general agony I was in post ride, etc.) I am planning on commuting to work. (4.8 miles one way). The only thing that will stop me is the bike storage situation. I don't think there is anywhere to lock it up outside, and I don't know if they will let me lock it up inside. (That and I still have to get in better shape before I will be able to ride 5 miles then be on my feet for 8-9 hrs then have another 5 mile ride then go to marching band rehearsal for 2 hrs).

My Bicycles:

My fun road bike is an older Bianchi I found under my house in Tuscumbia. It was left there by the previous owner. I called him up and told him that he left a nice bike and he told me to keep it. So I did. I have enjoyed it ALOT.

My general commuter/work horse is a old no-name mountain bike that I pulled out of a neighbors trash heap when I was in the 6th grade. When i found it it was just a frame. I re-built it out of parts from other bikes i had laying around and rode the devil out of it. I wouldn't take a million dollars for it. I'm in the process of making it a little more commuter friendly by putting street tires, fenders, racks, lights, and LOTS of reflective tape.

My wife has been very supportive of my cycling endeavors. She has always been accepting of my obsessions at the time (like reef aquariums and musical instrument repair, both of witch I still enjoy and spend time doing). But this is something that we can enjoy together and help each other get healthier.

Well there it is. My first "Blog".